As we do on yearly basis, we send you a summary of this Foundation’s intense
activity at this end of 2015. We include the topics covered by the dialogue and
investigation groups.
The meetings took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s Capital city, Ushuaia
from Tierra del Fuego Province, and institutions such as the University of
Salvador. Those were as follows:
Year 2020 - Topics
March: Psychological thought and fractional energy as a booster
DVD screening: Thought and the divisive process
April: A brain free from self-centered
DVD screening: Peace in the world and in oneself
May: What are you doing with your life?
DVD screening: Ending disorder now.
Spanish-speaking meeting to be held at Brockwood Park, England, organized
by the Canary Islands Information Center, Spain. Group member’s participation
was suggested.
Krishnamurti Foundation of America, Ojai, California - Meeting invitation to
Our Foundation’s 1700 registered members were informed that Juan Colell,
President of the
Krishnamurti Latin American Foundation (FKLA) was replaced by Paloma Salvador.
June: The right livelihood
screening: Living with honesty and integrity
reminder was issued about the 80th. Anniversary of Krishnamurti visit to
Argentina and
Latin-American countries.
July: Can humanity change?
screening: The violence of the ‘self’ and the awareness energy
August: The inner revolution
DVD screening: The transformation of man
El Salvador University meeting and lecture on Oriental Studies. Dialogue on the
philosophical thought with DVD screening.
September: The revolution within
DVD screening: What is the Supreme Intelligence?
October: Conflict
DVD screening: Why does man live in conflict?
El Salvador University meeting and lecture on Oriental Studies. Dialogue on the
future of
humanity and DVD screening
November: Thoughts about Being
DVD Projection: The self and conflict
El Salvador University, lecture on Oriental Studies. Meeting and continuation of
dialogue on
the future of humanity with DVD sceening.
The responsibility of the Foundation Directors created in l969 by
Krishnamurti regarding those who from different parts of the world "move in the
same direction":
“If I'm working with the teachings and Krishnamurti is dead, what is my
(Krishnamurti talking to the Directors of the Foundations in Saanen, July 17,
"Why should you feel responsible? I'd like if you could answer to me this
question. I’d like that some of you sink your teeth into this question: if I
am working with the teachings and Krishnamurti is dead, what is my
I felt something sacred, not the person who is beside the point-, but I felt
something deep in his speech, in his presence. So what do I do?
How do I keep the heat, the sacred fire that I felt? How do I keep it, how do
I feed it to avoid its vanishing? And what my responsibility is to the rest of
the people who are working in this direction and my own responsibility in
everyday life?
Am I really living what is it being talked about or I just felt a verbal
explanation and excitement? Have I gone beyond the words?
And what is my responsibility for the rest of the people who work with the
Do I have the spirit, the deep quality of reality, the sense of cooperation
with others, the communion with them?
This would be my first question about my responsibility, if I have a real
contact, not merely physical or through letters, or through this or that, or
through any activity.
If I have a real contact with others moving in the same direction”